In the journey to explore Laos, Vang Vieng is a next famous destination after Vientiane which the tourists often choose. It is about 150 km far from Vientiane to the North. Vang Vieng owns the idyllic beauty. There is no beautiful architecture, no the resort with modern or wide streets. Annually, it attracts a huge number of tourists of more than 50,000 local people. Come from over the world, people even has stayed in Vang Vieng for a year.
Pass through the winding roads, you can look at the mountains far in the mist blurred, charming landscape of mountain and river. Located in the mountains, it’s chilly in the early morning and late afternoon. Normally, Vang Vieng has cool climate all year round. Early morning, the limestone mountains usually awake under the sunshine with green fields and trees. This place truly become "Elysium" of peaceful Million Elephants country.
Although the newly constructed and put into operation since 1980, till now, Vang Vieng town soon become a popular destination attracting visitors from near and far.